India Gate - Delhi is the capital city, and my hometown. There is a lot to photograph and what better place to start than India Gate, which stands as a memorial to 84,000 soldiers of the Indian Army who died between 1914 and 1921 in the First World War. While I was there I also clicked a picture of the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Not the best click given it was far and I didn’t have a telephoto lens on hand but gives you an idea.

Bahai Temple - This might be my all time favorite place in Delhi. Likely, a function of the temple being a) 5 minutes from where I grew up, b) very unlike most religious temples - they actively encourage people of all faith to visit and partake in events and your donation does not decide how much access you have, and c) finally it’s insanely beautiful!
Also, I must add that when I requested the Bahai Temple staff to grant my request for a photographer’s pass so i could take pictures during and after sunset when the temple is closed they could not have been more helpful. That very evening I was able to come and take the pictures I have wanted to take for many many years 🙏🏽

Red Fort - The Red Fort is a historic fort in Delhi, India, that historically served as the main residence of the Mughal emperors. The fort represents the peak in Mughal architecture under Shah Jahan and combines Persianate palace architecture with Indian traditions. Most of the fort's marble structures were subsequently demolished by the British following the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Every year on India's Independence Day (15 August), the Prime Minister hoists the Indian tricolor flag at the fort's main gate and delivers a nationally broadcast speech from its ramparts through the Public Address System of Indian Army Signals.